Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Chicken Adobo

Chicken Adobo from "Cook This Not That"

The Ingredients:

Super easy, just put everything in the pan (I cut the recipe in 1/2 since we only needed 2 servings)

Brown rice:

Ethan enjoyed some ravioli while I made dinner (this dinner is not really a kid friendly dish)

Once everything starts to simmer you add the chicken ( I used breasts instead of thighs)

Put the lid on it and let it simmer for about 20 minutes

Gabriella enjoyed her turkey hot dog, sugar free jello, and apple slices

The finished product - it was very good!

Monday, January 10, 2011

Great Weekend and Good for a Monday

Sunday was a great family day! Jeremy read books to Gabriella (Yo Gabba Gabba is her favorite!)

Ethan took the opportunity to play with Gabriella's restaurant/kitchen!

Then Ethan and I worked on shapes - it is never to early to start!

Today I made 2 different recipes:
Hungry Girl Redhot Chicken Salad -

Parm, mayo, red hot sauce, celery, carrots, and ranch seasoning all go in

Chop it up nice and small!

Mix it all together!

It was very yummy! I put mine on a wrap, Jeremy just ate his with a fork. We decided it would be great over a green salad.
I also made Sassy Egg Rolls (also from Hungry Girl) Things go a bit hectic during dinner prep so I did not get all of the pictures I wanted, but it was delish! The dipping sauce was also yummy. Both recipes came from Hungry Girl 200 under 200

The oven baked egg rolls:

Saturday, January 8, 2011

A Day in My Life: Extremely Exciting!

My life in pictures - A typical Saturday (sans Jeremy - he is at work), minus the junk food :(

The kids had blueberry pancakes for breakfast, I had an english muffin and vitamins - yum

Then, I took out the turkey breast to thaw in the fridge. This was supposed to be tonights dinner, but since I forgot to take it out of the freezer yesterday, I will have to come up with something else. Normally, I would just order pizza instead, but that does not really fit with our resolution :(

Then, Gabriella and I played while Ethan took his morning nap

He woke up very happy! (not a surprise)

The we had some more fun playtime:

Then it was time to make lunch for the kiddos - Naturally, Gabriella asked for pizza. I decided to be sneaky and put some spinach in the sauce - do you think she noticed?

She likes to help out:

Then she helped me unload the dishwasher while her pizza was in the oven

Then I sat down to plan this weeks menu/grocery list:

Then - Lunch for me!

This weeks menu:
Sunday - that frozen turkey breast (hopefully it won't be frozen by tomorrow morning when I put it in the crock pot)
Monday: "Sassy Southwestern Egg Rolls (Hungry Girl) and "Redhot Chicken Salad" (Hungry Girl)
Tuesday: "Oven-Fried Chicken" (Cook this Not That) with mixed veggies and instant potatos (hungry jack makes some for only 80 cal)
Wednesday: "Chicken Adobo" (Cook this Not That) with veggies
Thursday: Jeremy works until 8:00 pm on Thursdays so I do not cook, we eat leftovers, or some other lunch type food
Friday: "Chicken Scaloppine" (Cook this Not That) with corn and maybe potatos too
Check back for pics and reviews of these recipes

Friday, January 7, 2011

New Year Resolutions: We are not very original!

So, guess what our resolution is for the year? Yup, lose weight, get healthy! Jeremy wants to lose a significant amount. I want to lose about 15 lbs and fit back into my size 4 jeans (thank you very much Ethan, but you were worth it). Anyway, we have a gym membership, a willing Grandma ready to watch the baby "monitors" while we work out, and plenty of low-calorie cookbooks. So it should be easy right? No, its not - we love food way too much. But, we are determined to make it work!

We started our journey on Monday, Jan 3 because, diets ALWAYS start on Mondays, right? We weighed in on Monday morning and promptly searched the android network for a fun app to help us in our new lifestyle. (we downloaded "MyFitnessPal")
I meant to start this on Monday, but, since I am a procrastinator, I did not. We plan on working out 5-6 times per week for about 45 min. We are both counting calories and I am trying to stay around 1200. My plan is to review the low-cal recipes that I will be making, that is the plan anyway.
Progress as of today? I lost a whopping 2.8 lbs and Jeremy (not fair) lost 8.8 lbs!